
More Goals, posted at 03:28:55

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

I went back to my new year's resolutions the other day, and was pleased I've already met more than half of them. With that spirit of writing down goals in mind, I wanted to write down a few more goals that I'd like to accomplish in the near future:

* Start swimming. My workout sometimes feels stale. I used to love swimming, until I became embarassed to take off my shirt in public. Now that things are looking quite a bit better now, I would like to try again. It's a great workout, and would definitely be fun to do a couple times a week.

* Eat more protein. I've been eating very well since the New Year, laying almost entirely off cheese and eating tons of fruits and vegetables. But I still think I could use more protein. "Men's Fitness" says you should aim for a gram of protein for every pound that you weigh, that this would keep you from getting hungry and would help build muscle. So I need to load up on the kidney beans and brown rice.

* Visit my Grandma. I still haven't visited her since she got moved to the Presbyterian Village. I'm a bad, bad person. I haven't had any time to, but I'm also a bit leery. But I know if I don't visit her soon, she may not remember who I am. I saw Nancy Reagan the other day and she was talking about Ronald on TV and it was very sad to hear how the Alzheimer's has affect him.

* Read the following books: "A Lesson Before Dying" by Ernest Gaines. "The Great Gatsby" by Fitzgerald. "Jazz" by Toni Morrison. "Night" by Elie Wiesel. "Black Boy" by Richard Wright. "Franny and Zooey" by J.D. Salinger. "On the Road" by Jack Keroac. "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe. "White Teeth" by Zadie Smith.

* Get the following albums: Matthew Sweet's Greatest Hits, Erykah Badu's latest CD "Mama's Bag", Tiffany's latest CD "The Color of Silence", Dido's CD, Eminem's CD, and the Blake Babies' new CD.

* Go home more often.

* Find a good recording of Allen Ginsburg reading "Howl".

* Figure out a cool place to drive to over a couple days during my spring break. It may be a solo trip, since everyone else has to work, but I should pick a destination that will either be fun or be directly related to my job search (i.e. researching an area). Ideally, if I'm choosing locations correctly, the two should be one in the same.

* Make a kick-ass unit for "Of Mice and Men" for my tenth graders.

* Get my ass in gear with my MSU classes.

* Go to the dentist. I'm overdue since November.

That's all. We'll see how I do. I'm keeping score.

(By the way, I'm updating so much this week because of some intense boredom that's overcoming me from it being MSU's spring break and there being absolutely nothing to do or anyone to talk to as I sit here alone in my dorm apartment.)