
Celebrity Crushes, posted at 18:10:47

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

I rented all three of the "My So-Called Life" videos that have been released over the weekend. I was hoping to find a good companion piece to "Catcher in the Rye" for my seniors. While I couldn't really find that, it did reaffirm my teenage crush on Claire Danes and my devotion to the show. Very few times has television created such wonderful drama. I watched the pilot episode and the amazing Juliana Hatfield Christmas episode, and was blown away by each. TV rarely raises to that level anymore - perhaps the occasional episode of "The West Wing" or "ER" - but nothing as consistently rich as this.

Speaking of Claire Danes, I remembered again what a wonderful actress she is. Incredible. I had such a crush on her in high school. She hasn't chosen good films at all - with the exception of "Romeo and Juliet" - but I still have high hopes for her career.

Other celebrity crushes of the moment:

Tina Fey, current SNL Weekend Update co-host: funny, smart, goofy, cool glasses. She's got it all.

Allison Janney, "the west wing": okay, so maybe she's a bit old for me. i don't care.

Juliana Hatfield: sometimes I feel like she's singing to me.

Julie from the real world: open, accepting, hilarious. the whole morman thing, i could get used to.