
Mostly Working Out (boring), posted at 03:28:56

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

I'm back.

I haven't updated in here much lately. This usually is a sign that things are going well for me, or that simply I'm too busy to sit down at the computer. It's both of these things right now.

My new year's resolution to work out in the mornings has been pretty great. The alarm first goes off at 5:06am, but it's 18 minutes fast, so it's actually 4:48am. Can you believe? Mark, the night person, getting up before 5am. Actually, after a couple of snooze hits, it's generally about ten minutes after five before the feet hit the floor. But that's still pretty damn good, don't you think? I'm out the door by 5:15am, and working out by 5:25am or so.

I then work out for an hour. I do a half hour of weights - alternating on days between my chest, triceps, and hamstrings with days that I work out my biceps, calves, back, and shoulders. I try to do abs every day. I then do a half hour of aerobic, and try to switch that up between stationary bike, running, and the stairclimber. The former is the easiest, and running is the hardest. Distance running, I've heard, is generally a tough thing for big guys to do, and it certainly is tough for me. It's an accomplishment for me to run two miles without stopping. I think I can do better. Someday, I'd like to run a marathon. But running really makes my back hurt, and I haven't figured out how to combat that yet. It doesn't hurt at all when I'm working out, but, boy, once I leave and begin my day, it's stiff.

I worry that I'm skimping on aerobic, which I can't afford to do. Especially since I gained a few pounds over Christmas break after a steady decline for months. So I've been going in a couple of nights a week to do a full-throttle aerobic workout for like 45 minutes or so. It sure does feel good to do that. Erin and I have been trying to take a spinning class together, but I keep messing it up. She's going, though. I think I would like it.

Otherwise, school isn't bad at all. I'm only teaching one class at the moment, and spend the rest of my day planning stuff for lead teaching (the mammoth 10-week, 4-class thing that starts on Jan. 29). I hope I'm ready. The AHD job has been lackluster, but doable. They're expecting a lot out of us in the coming weeks having to do with hiring new RA's, and I hope I'm up for it.

This has been a fairly on-the-surface type of entry. Don't worry, I've still got issues brewing, and want to write about my winter break trip and upcoming major life decisions. But I'm tired, and my back is starting to hurt from sitting in this position for so long. I need to buy a heating pad.