
Ain't nothing gonna break my stride, posted at 7:17 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Last night was one of those fabulous nights that reminded me about what's right in the world.

I'm probably exaggerrating a bit. But it was a blast.

On a whim earlier in the week, I volunteered Josh and I to guest bartend at a bar that sponsors the social sports league that we played softball through this summer.

And, you know what? Screw this teaching thing. I want to bartend.

All we had to do was pour beer from a tap for just under an hour, but it was one of the funnest nights I'd had in a long time. I got to talk to a lot of people, flirt with a lot of attractive women, and be "the guy" that everyone at the bar knew. I got to be pretty good at maintaining eye contact while the beer was pouring. I met so many people.

Josh and my collective charm netted us made $48 in tips in 45 minutes and a girl's phone number each. That, coupled with both getting in and drinking for free, made it a very fun evening. I only had half a beer, though, in my continuing effort to drop these last 20 lbs.

There's more. We got our picture taken, and it'll be plastered on the Internet as part of the "Baltimore Social Scene" in the next couple of days. Plus, we only stayed out until 9:30, so I'm well rested for my last day of summer school today. Lastly, my pre-bartending afternoon included getting my replacement Visa debt card in the mail (thank god! I've been having to drive all the way out to the bank to get cash most days), and completing my six mile run with my best time ever - the first time under 60 minutes. I rode that high for the rest of the night, and I'm still in a good mood that I can't shake. After bartending, I got a call from Eleanor and then called Gale to hear their plans for my Michigan Tour later in the month. So it was a great evening all around.

The good things keep coming today. It's the last day of summer school. Today is payday. My new roommate from Cincinatti will be moving in today, so no more conversations with the animals to maintain my sanity at home. The news keeps getting better and better.