Friday, Jan. 24, 2003

As funny and abrasive as my last hit, and much more sorrowful, posted at 10:56 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

I read Berty's entry today, and it was her first in 150 days or so, so I'm sure it had to be important. It was. I called her this afternoon, and he picked up. I didn't know what to do, so I pretended I didn't know, even saying that I had decided to just call "out of the blue." I'm afraid I made my case too strongly - kind of like being overly nice and excited to see an old student of yours whose name you can't remember ("Hey there! How are YOU doing this semester?!? That's GREAT to hear!") - so he probably knows I know. Anyhow, hope she's okay. I've only met him once, and thought he was mean to her the whole weekend and she deserved better. But I digress.


I was in such an uncomfortable situation tonight. We went out to happy hour, and this biology teacher who has been flirty with me most times I've met with her came out. She asked me out twice in our conversation, and I'm just not interested. I kept trying to spark up conversations with others, but it always ended up that it was just the two of us. It didn't help that I was tired and in a foul mood, or that she kept drinking and getting more bold. At one point, she accidentally ordered two beers and offered me one, that she didn't want. I didn't either, so I said she should go around and see if anyone else would want it, that it would be a great way to start a conversation. She looked at me, sort of batted her eyelashes, and said, "But I was to start a conversation with you."

Oh boy.

I ended up giving this girl a ride home. She invited me in to "meet her cat." Never say that I'm not a nice guy who is respectful of women, because I would never take advantage of an altered state like that. I just knew that if we had even done a little hookup, she wanted more from it than a one-night thing, and there can be nothing worse than awkwardness at the job.


I don't know why I'm so worn down lately. A friend of mine told me that I wasn't acting myself tonight. I guess I'm not. My mind is in other places. My heart is in other places. Another state, to be exact. Yes, I'm thinking about her.


I did have a good day at school today, and I'm getting excited and pumped for the new semester and a whole new batch of students. The weekend is well-needed and will be well-appreciated, though.