Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2002

Sick day, posted at 8:11 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Holy updates, Batman! I'm not sure why I'm updating so frequently this week, either.

I'm taking a sick day today. One of my goals this year was not to take one, but I am today. The primary reason for that is because I thought I had to take a week off next year for Hugasoul's wedding, but since that's not happening any more, I can be more relaxed. (I wanted to be able to go to my principal and say, "Alright, I've missed one day in two years and had perfect attendance last year, so you've gotta let me go.")

This will probably be my only one of this year, as I'm generally a healthy person and rarely get sick. I could have made it in, but I have a minor fever and am feeling kind of crummy and figured I didn't want to be sick for my long weekend or my long drive tomorrow. I might as well get healthy now, as I've got ten freaking days all year and I'm the only one in my department not to take one this year. It worked out well that what I had planned today - finishing up the To Kill a Mockingbird film and writing a review of it - is a fairly easy assignment for a substitute to carry out. I woke up at my usual 5am this morning, and noticed that my eyelids were hot. I still got up, ate breakfast, showered, and planned on going to the gym, but just couldn't muster up the energy. I finally called in sick at 7am, and drove to school to get my lesson plan ready and write stuff on the board. I stopped by Safeway on the way home to grab some Ny-Quil, and am now writing until it kicks itself in.

Guilt is beginning to creep its way into my psyche as well, but hopefully that will be quelled if I can get some rest today and then get a lot of work done that I want to get done before my trip. The sink is full of dirty dishes, I need to put laundry away, and the ingredients for my first ever stab at quiche are awaiting in the fridge. That's what I'm bringing to Thanksgiving, partly to bring it and partly just in case there aren't a lot of vegetarian options there. I'm not sure if they know, and it's always awkward to bring it up.