Monday, Nov. 25, 2002

This picture made me laugh, posted at 4:59 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

So I developed film the other day. This picture reminds me of that photo that ran of Rosie O'Donnell a few years ago, in which she held up her kid but wouldn't show her face. It's like I'm running from the press, as I have this really pissed off look on my face and am trying to shield Tobey from the flashbulbs.

But, suffice to say, there was no press. I didn't even know the picture was being taken until far too late.

Hmmm... I also came across this old pic the other day. In case you haven't had enough of the before/after theme... well, I'm the one on the far left. Ugh. I always thought I looked like Jabba the Hut there.

And one more old one. This one isn't as clear, but I'm the guy on the right.

And back to present day... here's Holden on my loud carpet in the study. Notice the Halloween scarf.