Sunday, Nov. 17, 2002

It's been raining all weekend, posted at 1:29 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

I'm on my way to drop off five garbage bags full of clothes that can fit a 300-lb man but have been cluttering up my basement for far too long.

I did absolutely nothing last night. And it was wonderful. I rented Frailty and The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys, went to the gym, did some quick shopping at Trader Joe's, then headed home, where I did some cleaning and phone calling and didn't even end up watching the movies before Saturday Night Live came on.

Simon called last night. We talk to each other about once a month, and I had plenty of news for him this month. Talks with Simon are a combination of gossip about old co-workers and relationship advice. Usually, it's females that I talk on the phone over long distances with, and it's nice to have a separated male perspective on these issues. Josh has sort of become that here in Baltimore, as well as, to a lesser degree, Nick and Ryan. You know, I actually think I have more close male friends here than female friends. That's unlike me. Anyhow, I suppose Jason/Jeremy is still someone I can talk with over long distances and catch up on issues, but Simon sort of has the age thing that adds a different dimension to our discussions. I talk with him and imagine myself at 30, and it gets my biological clock ticking something fierce. He said you can't really talk about females about these issues, because they always look out for their own. :) That produced a big laugh.

Anyhow, it was good to talk with him. He saw a dietician and told me he needs some inspiration from me. I'll do my best, maybe sending along my weightloss tips or something. Otherwise, he sounds very happy. I think he was trying to get me to admit that I wasn't, or something - he was giving me all this advice on how to meet a woman. "Are you putting yourself out there?," he asked a number of times. I tried to explain: "Simon, I'm pretty content right now. I have a meaningful, active social life, great friends, a great job, etc. If something natural happens, so be it. But I'm not desperate."

Anyhow, it as nice to talk with him. I'm looking forward to seeing him again, whenever that might be. Another English teacher in the department is trying to convince me to run the Boston Marathon this spring as a "bandit" (unregistered runner). I might just do that - it's still something I'd like to do in my life, and I might as well do it when I'm 25.

The plan for the rest of the day:

* Head over to the dry-cleaner's and drop off some shirts. I've never actually used a dry cleaner before, so this is an unusual occurrence for me. I'm just tired of my shirts looking all wrinkly, and hate ironing more than anything.

* Stop off at The Book Thing to see if they've got anything good since yesterday.

* Head over to Goodwill and drop off the five garbage bags of clothes, and maybe look for a black shirt.

* Head north again to White Marsh and work out - today's a leg day, I think. Ouch.

* Come back home and finish the monumental cleaning project that I undertook this weekend. I've got a guy coming to look at the place on Monday evening to see if he might want to live here, so I want it to look very nice.

Gotta get out of here. Happy Sunday.

I'm still prepping a redesign. I've actually got a couple of feelers out for custom designers. What do you think of this tagline: "A 2nd year inner city high school English teacher still trying to figure it all out." It's simple. I think it's me. I'm trying to incorporate some other quotes in the design, but my knowledge of html is too basic. I'm trying to get a couple folks to help me, though. I got a cool photo at least. We'll see.

Oh yes. I have a link of the day. Why I'm scared and you should be too.;)