
Photo from house concert, plenty of other crap as well, posted at 3:57 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Today was the last day of training, and the end of this confusing week. My body and mind remain discombobulated, and I'm finding myself with way too much time on my hands. I'm working, but it doesn't feel like it.

I wish school was 12 months long, with more breaks within it. But, alas, it's not. And I'm left to my own devices for far too much time in these summer months.

Summer School starts on Monday, so perhaps there will be some return to normality. Still, that ends at 1pm every day, and that's an awful lot of time left over for someone who generally doesn't get home until 6pm. I've considered getting a second job, and may still put in some applications, but I'm probably just going to attempt to find my own ways to use my time wisely.

The new DSL cable isn't making that any easier, however. I'm finding myself returning to my old college days, cruising chat rooms and surfing websites that I don't need to be. Hopefully the urge will pass. In fact, it already is a bit.

Here's a rundown of others things that are new:

1) I'm dogsitting this weekend, for my friend Teri's annoying little mutt named Katy. She's about eight months old - right at that stage where she looks like she should know better than she's acting. But it occupies Holden, who has been acting a little depressed lately - probably missing Jeremy, who was staying in almost every night for the few weeks before he left.

2) Mike gets married tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to attending the wedding, mostly because of the 2-hour drive and because I'll know nobody there. Jeremy and I were invited together, but he isn't going to make it.

3) My "miss meter" is running really high right now for all my Michigan friends. Hugasoul, Eleanor, Gale, Berty, Paul, Nate... I'm thinking about you all.

4) My new thing: I want to run the Baltimore Marathon this fall. I want to complete it and not stop to walk. It's a big thing, but I think I can do it. I've begun preparations. (By that, I mean I've looked up the website.) I am running 6 miles, twice a week, but will be stepping that up in the next couple of weeks.

5) It's official: I've lost 100lbs. I'm down to 200. I'd still like to get down to 190 or even 180, though. These last 10 pounds have been tough, though. This is probably right around my "natural" weight, I guess.

6) I'm considering going to see Minority Report alone tonight. All my friends are out of town.

7) I'm off to buy matching sports bags at Target for the wedded pair tomorrow. The bride always asks me about working out and how I've lost all the weight, and the groom (pretty overweight) just joined at Bally's and we've begun playing raquetball together. I'm a believer should be for the givees, but should have some sort of connection to the giver as well.

8) I really want to do this conference, and hope my school will pay for part of it.

9) Dashboard Confessional's CD has not left my CD player since I borrowed it. It's easily my favorite CD I've heard in ages. The guy is like Weezer of the Pinkerton era, only less goofy. Hugasoul, have you heard him yet?

10) I'm currently reading A Pathwork Planet by Anne Tyler (my first Tyler book, and I'm digging it), Ellen Foster by Kaye Gibbons (despite the acclaim, I'm having a hard time getting into it. Then again, I'm only on chapter three), and Shoeless Joe by W.P. Kinsella (still good, but a bit slow since I mostly know the story from the movie).

11) Holden and Tobey (pictures coming soon) are now getting alone pretty well. Holden doesn't chase Tobey any more, and they can be in the same room unsupervised. Tobey still doesn't like dogs much, but hopefully he'll eventually learn to get along with him. This is the most affectionate cat I've ever met, and Holden's pretty affectionate as well. It seems like they would enjoy each other while I'm gone.

11) For those curious, here's a photo from one of my house concerts. That's the fabulous Kristin Plater performing live. RaeAnne pointed out Holden's "alien head-light beam eyes" in the bottom right hand corner of the pic. (By the way, have I mentioned the name of my house concert venue is "Holden's Lair"? Clever, eh? I'm taking the summer off from shows, but the next one will be with Lori Amey and Matthew Kahler on Saturday, September 14. Mark your calendars... it's a double-bill!)