
great night out, posted at 12:30 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Last night was one of the best nights I've spent in this city. There was nothing extraordinary about it - just going to a couple of bars with some friends - but it was a lot of fun. I'm still basking in its afterglow. Here it is, blow by blow:

The participants: Myself, Nick, Jeremy, Randy, Cherish, Michelle, Kristen, and Teri. I've written about most of those folks before, except for Randy and Cherish - he's a friend of Nick's from summer training, and she is his fiance. Oddly enough, they are both from Michigan. Cherish is absolutely a riot - definitely a catch. She and Randy just got engaged on Wednesday at a Samples concert. Randy, Nick, and I are getting an Orioles ticket package together this summer, so hopefully I'll get to know them better. They're hilarious. Jeremy is of course my roommate, while Nick is the best new male friend I've made in years - and a really interesting guy.

Why it was cool #1: Nick and I bonded better than we ever have before. Alcohol has a way of making guys closer. We talked about school, about college, about marijuana (Although I've been curious about it my whole life, I've never smoked it; he's been arrested for possessing it), about girls, and about future plans.

Why it was cool #2: I discovered this new drink called "Red Bull and vodka" that was really good. Red Bull is apparently some sort of energy drink. An upper and a downer all in one. The combination was very tasty. I didn't get too enebriated - too drunk to drive, but not embarassingly stupid.

Why it was cool #3: Jeremy and I had a great night together, laughing a lot and just in general getting silly together for the first time in months.

Anyhow, it was a very cool night. We were out until 2am or so, and Jeremy had stopped drinking early enough to drive us home (we had made plans to take a taxi).

Tonight, I've made plans to go over to Teri's for a game night. Should be fun.

After last weekend's disappointments, I'm glad that things went well last night.

It's beautiful here today - 70 degrees and sunny. I had no hangover in the morning; probably as a result of all the Red Bull I had last night. I went and got my tire fixed (it was a nail), and am on my way to the gym for a workout. My finger is not broken; it was just badly bruised and I can move it a bit now.

Well, I'm off to do a bit of surfing before I go back out to enjoy this beautiful day. Life is good.