
burning the candle at both ends..., posted at 8:42 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Sorry I haven't updated very much lately.


a) I've been very, very busy.

b) I've been consciously trying to stay in front of the computer for less of my time. I feel I'm spending way too much time with this bright screen in front of me, pretending that life goes on forever.

Other news:

1) I finally have a 2nd roommate, and things are working out well.

2) I leave on Friday to spend five days in the mountains with ten 15-year olds. I must be crazy. I did have fun last year, though. I'm actually really looking forward to a break from the day-to-day endurance that teaching requires. There's a different type of endurance needed to hike 7 miles a day up a mountain, and I'm looking forward to the mental break. My mind feels cloudy lately.

3) I'm seriously freaking out about this space poetry project I'm doing. I don't want to get into the specifics, but my portion of the project was to get 16 kids and get them to the science center. I have 14, and still no plan on how I'm going to get the kids there. It's Thursday afternoon.

4) Sub plans for my three days gone have not yet been started. I'm not sure how I'm going to have time to do that.

5) I let Holden outside last night, and sort of held the back door open with my rear end while I chained him. It shattered. Chards of glass everywhere. I know my ass is getting hard and all from the working out, but that was pretty ridiculous.

6) I have decided that I hate IM and I'll be surprised if I sign on again. Give me a well thought out e-mail, face to face, or a phone conversation anytime over that. I might be back on again, you never know, but I find it very dissatisfying most of the time.

7) I feel homesick, but not for Michigan. I'm not sure what for. Maybe it's not homesickness. Just a longing or something. Everybody's got a hungry heart, as I mentioned a week or so ago. No, my early Bruce Springsteen obsession has not waned.

8) I'm trying to go to bed at 9 or 10 every night from now on, although that might be tough during playoff baseball.

9) I will have 90 essays turned in to me on Thursday. 90 essays analyzing Steinbeck's use of foreshadowing in Of Mice and Men. I must be crazy.

10) Go Oakland A's.

11) I saw One Hour Photo over the weekend at The Charles. The movie was mediocre (very predictable, although Robin Williams' performance was good), but I was especially struck by how I need to attend more movies there. Why have I only been there 4 times? I love the place. It's exactly the type of big city place I should be taking more advantage of here. Plus, there were so many attractive women there on the arms of dorky-looking men. Where do they find them?

12) The "Best of Baltimore" issue of The City Paper came out last week, and I was amazed by how little of this city I've actually been to. What's wrong with me?

My goal of a five-minute entry has not been met. But I wrote this in under ten. Hope it's not too obvious. Hopefully I'll be able to update before my trip on Friday, but no guarantees. It's been a while since I felt this busy and overwhelmed, although I'm not necessarily complaining. School is feeling very good lately and my lessons are going swimmingly. The pace is brutal, but I'm becoming accustomed to it. Get up at 4:45, go to the gym, go to work, stay until 5 or 6 with students or with my lesson plan book, come home, grade some papers, plan my lesson, eat dinner, do ab workout, watch TV, go to bed. Rinse, lather, repeat.

Life isn't bad. But is it really only Tuesday?