Monday, Nov. 08, 2004

Getting ready for trip, posted at 4:33 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

I'm feeling incredibly busy lately and the fact that I'm going to spend the next five days canoing in western Maryland with city high school students is the calm light at the end of the tunnel. It's shouting through the roar and din right now, and I'm happy for that.

Things I need to do before I leave:

1. Clean the house.

2. Do my dishes. (Actuall, I'm literally bringing a paper bag full of them to the restaurant tonight to wash in their machine.)

3. Bring my dog to Polish girl's house to have her watch him.

4. Work tonight.

5. Grade, grade, grade.

6. Pack.

7. Clean my car so I can transport students across town tomorrow.

8. Buy a disposable camera.

9. Set a Happy Hour date. I'm thinking it has to be Wednesday night, the 17th. I'll post again tonight, late, with the final tally and leave that on there for the week, as I'll be away from the Internet (and phone, and civilization) until Sunday.

And, let's be real, I probably won't do #1. Today, I made sub plans and got as much ready as I can. I'm excited about getting out of here.