Saturday, Nov. 06, 2004

End of the week, posted at 12:05 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

News from the last two days:

1. I am this close to turning on the heat. If I didn't have a cat on my lap most of the time at the computer and a dog curled in the crook of my knees when I sleep, it would be on already. Brrr. Here's hoping to a mild winter, though.

2. I called Brittney Spears yesterday, the girl who on Halloween was dressed as the singer during her naughty Catholic school girl look early in her career. We talked for about an hour on the phone and will be going out soon, maybe Sunday.

3. Today was one of the craziest, and worst, days of my teaching career. Nothing in my classroom - my classroom seems liked a haven of sanity - but the kids were crazy, and others reacted badly to the kids' craziness, and made everything worse. Pep rally cancelled, disappointing day all around. It was enough that we went out as a department and got a bit hammered at Rocky Run; I just got home after four hours there and another four hours at one of my colleagues' place, where I played poker. For the first time in my life. I drank a lot, but waited out for my basic sobriety so I could drive the scant distance home with a clear and able mind.

4. Looing forward to sleeping in tomorrow.