Monday, Sept. 13, 2004

It's times like these time and time again, posted at 5:54 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Today is a day where I can unilaterally say that, wow, I worked really fucking hard. I'm whipped, I'm drained. I'm trying to stay on top of my work, but it's not possible. It's simply not. Teaching is a job that is ever expanding, and no matter if you're the greatest teacher in the world, there's always something more to do, always some parent that could use a phone call or some kid that could use a good talking-to.

I called every parent of 9th graders today that failed their summer reading test. I left messages. I received many promises that more failure would not happen. I heard some excuses. I had one large police-officer mother come visit me in my classroom because she checked her messages during the day and came on up to the school.

Thursday is my coach class. My "office hours," the time when kids can come to me for help. I very well might have 75 kids there because I told parents that this was the only way to make up missed work. Was this a good idea? Time will tell. I'm also showing the film version of A Lesson Before Dying.

I need to go to the gym because I'm in a bad mood and I don't much like my roommate and I ate 50 pierogies yesterday and I'm stressed out and I need to get some energy for the second round of work tonight.

aaargh. What a completely consuming day. I feel like I did good today, that I made the world a slightly better place than it was when I woke up today. But I also feel like I'm leading them to the river and teaching them to fish and they didn't even remember their damn fishing pole.