Saturday, Sept. 04, 2004

Today is September 4, 2004, posted at 6:05 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

A few things that have happened today:

1. Received an invite to go to a game night at a friend's house. Call me a dork, but I'm excited and have been thinking about it all day.

2. Walked into Safeway. Accosted by a man selling subscriptions to Baltimore Sun. Have been thinking about doing this for a while. He's going to charge me $21, give me a $10 credit for my groceries, and it's all good for seven weeks. I often do the cancel thing once a magazine stops interesting me, and I'm sure I could do the same for the Sun. So I think about it. And hem and haw. But then I decide not to, and apologize and leave. He tries a little harder, so I go into a little diatribe about how I'm broke, about how I haven't been paid since June, about how teachers in this city do not have an option to be paid in a job for the entire year, how it sucks, but that I wasn't even going to spend $10 here anyway today, that I was just here to buy cat food and milk, and thanks, but no thanks. It was pretty funny. Don't worry, I was friendly and funny about it. It's certainly not that guy's fault. I told him that if it was October, then he had me sold.

3. Took a nap. Oops.

4. Cleaned a lot on both sides of the nap.

5. Wiped off Tobey with Simple Solution cat cleaning pads. Wow, does he ever hate that. He was mad at me for a whole fifteen minutes afterwards.

6. I love telling the animals jokes. For example, after those 15 minutes, I pet Tobey, and tell him, "Aww, man, you're so damp. What happened to you? Ha ha ha ha." He doesn't find it very amusing, and, actually, it's pretty sad that I find that funny now that I think about it.

7. Don't worry, I refused the press request. I'm also contemplating taking down all photos of me off of this site. I guess it would be nice if someone I didn't want to read this site didn't know it was mine right away on account of the photos. I mean, they're not crucial. It's not like I use this thing as a 1000+ page personal ad, right? I mean, I would never, ever do that. Nope. Not me. Ever.

8. I listened to a lot of old Ray Charles this afternoon. There was such a palpable joy in his music, even when it was about love gone bad. It's hard not to feel happy when Ray Charles is singing, especially during his Atlantic Years. (No, I'm not a Ray Charles expert, but the CD I have is the best of his Atlantic Years, and it's really good.)