Friday, Jul. 23, 2004

Entry No. 1001, posted at 7:34 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

This afternoon's will only be the second flight of my adult life. It will be my first trip on the Marc Train, as well as my first attempt to ride any sort of subway system alone.

I'm realizing a few things. First, I have no idea how to fly with my new suit, which I'll be picking up today at 10am, just before I leave. Someone mentioned a suit bag yesterday, but I hate to add even more cost to already has been one of the biggest purchases of my life. And during the summer, when I have no paycheck coming in except from the restaurant, where I'm making very shitty money right now. Hopefully my car doesn't break down or something next month.

I did hit triple digits yesterday. I made something like $103. Of course, I worked a long ass double shift, from 10am until 11:30pm, and the girl who I was working came in with her visiting mom and overtipped me to get to that amount. Still, it's nice to have a little bit of money to pay down the huge purchase I made Wednesday.

By the way, this is entry #1001. I guess I missed the #1000 milestone. My first entry was April 18, 2000, at 1:29 am. I had not graduated from college yet, had not started my teaching internship, and pretty unsatisfied with life. I was still living in Akers Hall at Michigan State. I still am not quite sure how I chose Baltimore to begin my career (I always answer "a dart and a map" when I get asked by folks), or how the city has kept me here for the better part of my twenties. I remember that it was between here and Charlotte, and Charlotte's pay sucked and didn't grab me when I visited. Baltimore did, and It's sunk itself into me pretty good; I'm going to stick it out for the indeterminable future.