Thursday, Oct. 02, 2003

Limbaugh, posted at 11:57 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

As a very liberal inner city high school teacher, and ss someone who hates Rush Limbaugh with a passion, I still find nothing at all racist about his comments.

Today on the Today show, they had on two ex-NFL black players who couldn't give one decent argument about whether Limbaugh's comments were racist. Their point was that he was incorrect - that there have been plenty of black quarterbacks, in the past and now - but not that he was racist.

So, he's a bad sports analyst. That's fine, I didn't expect him to be very good. But were these comments racist? I don't think so. This is why our country has such a tough time tackling the issue of race - whenever anyone says anything remotely provocative about the issue, he's labelled a racist. Now, I do think that Limbaugh is racist, but these comments weren't. Claiming that the media has a bias towards McNabb because he's black is shoddy football analysis and probably shoddy media analysis, but it's not racism.

In a sense, it's nice that Limbaugh has one less venue to talk in. But this wasn't racism, and attacking Limbaugh for this remark does nothing to improve race relations in this country. Attacks the real stuff, not this stuff. (Just like the Trent Lott controversy.)