Wednesday, May. 21, 2003

Italy?, posted at 11:28 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Baseball has ended, but I have managed to fill that void quickly with other things in my life. I've spent time in the last few days filling out applications for summer work.

Bill, the Guidance Counselor, invited me to go to Italy this summer for only the cost of the plane ticket. He has family there, so room and board would be paid for. I'm not being naive thinking I won't spend any money while there, but I could probably get away with the trip for a grand or something like that. I've never been overseas; hell, I've never been west of Chicago or east of Boston, north of Niagara or south of Tampa. This might be a once in a lifetime opportunity. That money seems so huge right now, especially when I'm saving up for a drier and trying to pay off bills and trying to save up the $3300 it will cost me to make my car look like new again and everything else. But, gosh... Italy. I really want to do it. The idea of the trip will probably waft away into fantasy as the reality of the money sets in, but right now I'm operating from the stance that I'm going to go and need to find another job immediately so I can go. I'd love to wait tables or bartend, and have been lying about my experience (in that, I'm saying I have experience doing either) on the applications in the hopes that it will get me a job.


I'm really looking forward to the three-day weekend. I had thought about driving home, but think I'd rather just take a day off in mid-June and make the trip then. The school has our first spring fair on Friday; the kids are getting out a half hour early and we're heading outside. I'm first up in the dunk tank. I can't quite believe I've gotten myself into that...


I have gotten accustomed to being disappointed with the weather down here in the last few months, but I know that teaching would be much more difficult if it were sunny and 85 right now. As it is, the rainy weather has mellowed the kids, and my garden is going to be marvelous.


I really need a date.