Tuesday, May. 20, 2003

Department Meeting Star, posted at 11:16 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

A few good things happened today:

1. I was the star of my department meeting! (A colleague even called me the "Meeting Superstar" afterwards.) I usually don't say much, but I spoke up today and a number of people thanked me for what I said afterwards. I was not whiny, nor was I Pollyanna-ish. I need to do that stuff more as I gain more confidence in my career. I usually just sit there, but was glad I spoke up. I rode that wave of positivity for hours.

2. I was at the grocery store, and the cashier asked me if I had any coupons. I go there a lot, and she recognized me, and said, "No, you're a young guy, you don't clip coupons!". We laughed. Then I reached over and put my kitty litter back in my cart after she had scanned it so she wouldn't have to lift it. She stopped, thanked me, and said I would make some woman very happy someday. Out of the blue like that. She wasn't hitting on me, as she was 40 and pregnant; I just think she was being genuine. It was bizarre, but it's something I needed afer the last couple of weeks that I had.

3. The 24 season finale party was sparsely attended (3 people), but that's okay. Renee and Boston Betty came over, and we watched a superb hour of television. 24 has definitely eclipsed Six Feet Under as the most consistently excellent television show on right now. It's definitely turn-off-the-cell-phone time for me. I really hope that President Palmer does not die. Afterwards, Boston Betty turned me on to the charms of FX's Lucky, which is pretty entertaining.