Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003

Surreal World, posted at 7:42 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

It is so surreal that we are going to war in 18 minutes. I have no idea what to feel, how to react. I don't trust our Commander in Chief, and the signing of the Patriot Act means he's the closest thing that the United States has ever had to a dictator. We've taken away the balance of powers, and that prospect is scary - reminds me of Toqueville texts I read in my Political Science classes in high school that predicted that our nation would last about 225 years.

On the other hand, for some reason I have a great amount of trust in Colin Powell to bring moderation to the situation. I will go to bed tonight hoping that our success will be quick and lives lost will be minimal.

I cannot believe we live in a world where 14-year olds have to endure a Code Orange biological warfare safety drill. That's on tomorrow's agenda.

Thought aren't running smoothly tonight. My energy level at this time of the day is low, and I plan on going to bed soon.

I happened to catch the end of You Can Count on Me tonight. I had forgotten how amazing that movie is. The last scene is so moving that I almost cried, then called my sister. Mark Ruffalo and Laura Linney were incredible in that film.