Monday, Mar. 10, 2003

See me kicking in my Air Force Ones, posted at 8:11 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

I have no idea how I manage to get so stressed, so quickly, but this week has already started out like drill to the forehead.

I arrived today to see last year's supervisor and this year's co-supervisor, a woman I am on very good terms with but my co-workers have nicknamed "Lady MacBeth," handing me a memo telling me that our observation cycle begins tomorrow. I was already mistakenly observed once this semester, and now will be observed again.

Being observed does not necessarily bug me too much. But this time it will, because of these factors:

1) She will be observing my 7th period, which is a typical 7th period freshmen year class. Namely, loud and slightly obnoxious. I wish she would observe my 4/5 period.

2) She will be looking at my portfolio tomorrow, and she will be sorely disappointed.

3) She gave me one day's notice.

4) She intimidates the hell out of me.

I think it will go okay, but my 7th period is awfully squirrelly.

Tomorrow's agenda includes my first ever field trip as a teacher, and, combined with my meeting with Lady MacBeth, will ensure that I get no planning time nor any lunch time tomorrow.

It's still only Monday.