Monday, Mar. 10, 2003

Monday morning and I feel like I should call in sick, posted at 6:00 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Yawn. It's 6am, and I allowed myself too many snooze button hits to go to the gym, but not enough to get a nice full sleep. I'm stuck in the middle, and think I'll use the opportunity to go into school and plan my unplanned day and catch up on all the grading I promised my students over the weekend.

The weekend was exhausting, but worth it. Eleanor came from Michigan, and I was able to show her a lot of Baltimore. I still didn't get to see her all the places that I go to and think, "Wow, Eleanor sure would like this place," but still had a good time. I ended up taking her to the Dulles airport last night and not returning until nearly 9pm, just in time to watch Six Feet Under and go to bed at 10:30.

Eleanor and I went to the Walters Art Gallery, the first time for me. I reall should take friends' visits into town to do touristy stuff more often. I still have never seen Poe's House or the House of Ruth. The Walters was cool. Yesterday we went to the Maryland Historical Society, which I liked even better because it was free and I think I'm more into historical museums. I'm just so fascinated in seeing the lives of ordinary people from back in the day.

I feel like I am getting fat and need to work out badly. I've been active lately now that I am coaching, but I still feel like I need to be stickign to a strict exercise regime. I wanted to go this morning, but in all reality the sleep was probably more healthy. I will go after school today, though.

My cell phone is turned off because I opted to pay heating last month instead of cell, which I view as a privelage. That means I have no long distance, which is a bummer but also, yes, a privelage. I hope to one day be a financially stable individual. At least I am in the right direction.

I am considering going back to bed for an hour instead of going in to school early. Hmmm.