
Conflict mostly averted, posted at 7:31 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

I'm proud of myself, for not getting into too deep a conflict that I knew inevitably was coming.

Okay, so the whole $129 New Year's thing. I agreed to it. It's totally my fault. I'm having misgivings now, but I did agree to it.

Twelve people are coming for New Year's. Five have already bought tickets for it. The five that are most excited about it. Two are waiting until they get down here. One hasn't told me, even though he did call me this weekend and I forgot to return the call. One is waiting for his brother to get paid because he doesn't want to leave him stranded. I'm leary because everyone hasn't bought tickets for it, and not everyone who is coming was involved in the decision. Plus, I just think a night on the town in Baltimore, with fireworks, easier modes of transportation, and less of a cost, will be more fun than a swanky yuppie party in D.C.

My plan has been to buy tickets a bit later. Partly to play it by ear and make sure everyone was going. Mostly, though, because I can't afford them until next paycheck.

Anyhow, ringleader of the pro-$129 group (and really close friend) e-mailed me on Friday. We had a major e-mail spat about it. It started out as small talk, then I realized she was ignoring all of my small talk and just focusing on the event. Then I realized she was fishing for information, and I took the bait. I told her I was indeed getting leery of the price. She mentioned that she wouldn't even come to my house if I wasn't going, because she was so upset about any thoughts of my cancellation. She assumed I was cancelling, and I didn't mind, because I definitely had thought about it. It ended with me telling her I feel like I'm in the middle of three different groups of friends, all pulling at my arms until they fall off. All the groups of friends tell me not to feel that way, but it's impossible not to. I could have gone on a lot more with her about why a $129 party is ridiculous and stupid and unfair to ask people to do especially when they didn't agree to it, but I didn't. I held it in. I valued our friendship more. Besides, it's my own damn fault for agreeing to it - or at least not voicing my objections to it - beforehand.

We chatted over the weekend, and things seem okay. I'm not even caring that I returned to work this morning with a mean reply to my last e-mail in my mailbox, sent Friday afternoon after I had left school. I know she sent it pre-conversation, so I'm not going to even worry about it. I just deleted it. Some conflicts just aren't worth it.

My current plan is to buy a ticket for the thing on Friday, when I get paid. I'm going to have a good time, damn it. Whether I like it or not.

My ankle is much better. I'm down to one crutch. I have a newfound respect for people who break bones. I feel overweight because the hurt ankle has prevented me from working out for like a week. Plus, I finally shaved my scruff that had been growing since Thanksgiving, and I think it makes my face look bigger and more bowling ball esque. I cam in to work out this morning, but, alas, no one else showed up. I hate my workout arrangement right now. I think I have to join a gym, because this shit just ain't working.

I miss writing film reviews, so maybe later today I'll have reviews for the last two movies I saw. Vanilla Sky was this weekend. It was fabulous.