
A very rambly entry, posted at 1:15 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

I interviewed the candidate today, then agreed to interview another one next week. I have problems with telling people no. Especially Karen. She's so darn nice.

The interview put a crimp in the schedule I've become accostomed to since camps started. You know, the one in which I finally drift off to sleep at around 4am after a night of stress, then wake up at noon or one, then go to the gym and fulfill any other daily errands I've got before the cycle starts all over again that night. Well, I had to set my alarm today to get up at 10:30 for the interview, and have been dragging ass all day because I'm missing out on those two hours of sleep that I apparently need. During the school year, I survive on 5 or so a night. Now, I've gotta have my eight. The interview didn't end until 1:30, I had to rush my trip to the gym, and the whole day was out of whack.

I value consistency. I was pretty unhealthy most of my undergraduate days because I was working too hard at my various jobs, whether it being in Res Life or putting all my free time into creating and maintaining The Common Grounds Coffeehouse . I also was a Night Receptionist, which certainly didn't help matters any. I slept irregularly, if at all. Part of the reason I was so happy in the last year teaching was because I just needed that sort of 7-4 consistency that the job gave me. Having the Assistant Hall Director job once I arrived from school wasn't so bad; I generally was able to sleep at night because I was so tired.

Anyhow, this whole interviewing thing is reminding me of the inconsistency with which I spent my undergraduate days - loaning myself out to too many people and overexerting myself. Then again, it's only a freaking interview once a week. I shouldn't complain. It's actually sort of ridiculous.

Michelle Shocked is playing at The Ark on July 9. She's a performer I always tried to book for the Common Grounds, but never was able to find any contact info for. She's so underground that sometimes she doesn't even want to be found. I have a few of her CD's, and Michelle Shocked has, in my opinion, written two of the best songs in the history of music - "Anchorage" and "Come a Long Way" . She's also pretty inconsistent, as some things she does don't do anything for me - let alone move me as much as these two incredible songs. Anyhow, I'm thinking of going to the show. Perhaps I can convince Kelly to go with me. It's after the 4th, so maybe. We were supposed to go see John Mayer this weekend, but that's not going to happen because of my job, so maybe we can see Michelle Shocked instead.

Erin, Gale, Apryl, and I are set to go to Lake Lansing tomorrow. I'm looking forward to seeing my friends, but I sure wish I was getting farther away from Lansing than this. I need a break from here. As I was writing this, I just got called back to my job. It's after 2am, and the campers are all yelling at each other through the dorm windows. Someone called the police. I don't live in the building the campers are in, so I had no idea this was going on. Apparently some of my CAs suck. The police give me a gentle reeming-out for the lack of supervision of the campers. The thing is, the campers' coaches are all supposed to be on the floor too. But about half of them are out and about. But, yeah, my CAs suck too. But at least I can spread the blame a bit. Things seem to have calmed down, but I fear my cell phone will not be silent for the rest of the night.

While I was over there, one of my CAs said I was walking like the "living dead." I'm that tired. But I'm afraid that as soon as I close my eyes, I'll get a call. I'm also quite sure that my supervisor will find a way to smother me with all the blame.

Anyhow, yeah, I need a vacation. The great part about that is the camps are only a week old. Fun! (note to self: sarcasm is the humor of the weak as according to John Knowles... gotta stay away from it) Thank god this group of kids checks out in the morning, though.

I filled out my Baltimore application and it will be in the mail tomorrow. In the letter, I had to succintly explain how excited I've been about teaching at Baltimore Public Schools for some time, but how I didn't bother to attend their big ol' teacher assignment day on June 7 with nary a phone call. Oops.

But that's when I thought I wanted Charlotte. How quickly things change.