
Tomb raiding, posted at 12:48 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Just got back from seeing "Tomb Raider" with Erin. As crummy movies go, it was better than "The Mummy Returns" but still didn't do much for me. Angelina Jolie can be a good actress, but this was pretty much a performance by her boobs. In the chicks-kick-ass genre, it's bested by "Alien" and even "Charlie's Angels". There were some cool sequences, but little tension and no surprises. Erin thinks I'm too critical of movies. And I realize this is a big dumb summer blockbuster. But "summer blockbuster" does not have to mean dumb. There have been some damn good summer action movies made. Speed. U-571. Indiana Jones. Jurassic Park. These are all good flicks - heads and shoulders above the Armageddon/Parl Harbor/The Mummy crap that we've been sitting through lately.

I hope "A.I." and "Planet of the Apes" are as good as I hope they are. I'm in the mood for some good movies. I haven't seen a good one since "Memento."

Carrol O'Conner and John Lee Hooker both died today. Jake and I used to listen to "Johnny Lee" often when we were roommates. "One Bourbon, One Scotch, and One Beer" was our quasi-drinking song.

I ran for seventy minutes today, easily besting my record. It translated to 6.5 miles. I still can't believe I ran that long. I stopped only once, and that was to go to the bathroom. I think the stopping is what made me go longer than usual. I'm going to be hurting tomorrow.

It was nice to get away from the building tonight with Erin. I think I've decided to stay in Lansing this weekend and head to Lake Lansing with Erin, Gale, and Apryl. I'm homesick, but I'm worried my tire will blow if I go on the highway. I feel like I should go to Jake and Anne's party, but I'd rather see them in a setting with less people. So it appears I'll be staying here. I miss my friends, so this will be good.