
Reasons why I'm shitty, posted at 6:09 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Reasons why I'm shitty. (I'm actually in a good mood, but this seemed appropriate nonetheless.) I'm a shitty friend, because I've only helped Erin for about two hours on the painting of the condo she just bought. In reality, I've had a fairly busy weekend, but still... I should be there. I feel guilty about it. I'm a shitty health nut, because I haven't been to the gym since Friday and have eaten lots of pizza for two meals this weekend. The gym closes early tonight, so it looks like I'll have to hold off working off those pizzas until tomorrow. I'm a shitty money saver, because I received about $500 from my two jobs on Friday, and have since bought tires at Sam's Club ($107), paid back Gale for the whole car-towing thing ($135), bought a graduation gift for my cousin ($19), bought a thank you gift for my aunt pam ($24), bought myself a new electric razor because my old one broke and I've never used/am scared to use non-electrical razors and I haven't shaved since Wednesday ($40), and groceries ($45). The rest of my money has to last me until my next payday in two weeks, including paying for a job-searching trip I'm taking to the east coast at the end of this week. I also need to get my oil changed. Ugh. I'm a shitty host, because I didn't even bother to clean my horribly messy apartment this weekend, even though Gale and Jason spent Friday and Saturday night here, respectively.