
Tired of camp, posted at 4:48 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

"Another day, another dollar, another nail in the coffin, another reason to feel smaller." - Wally Pleasant.

Yup, I'm feeling a bit down today. It's 4:56pm, and I still haven't spoken with anyone today. It was a busy night last night at camp, and I didn't get to sleep until 3:45am or so. My schedule has, annoyingly, completely reverted to my days as an undergrad in under a week. I slept in until nearly 1pm, and just went grocery shopping and to the gym. The workout was mediocre because I'm pretty sore from yesterday (only lifted and ran a mile... not that great). In about an hour, I'll be heading off to work for another night at the camp grind. Tonight's the night of the dance. Should be loads of fun.

It's not even that it's particularly labourious work. It's just that it's either really boring or really stressful, with not a lot in between. And I put far too much emphasis on how my supervisor reacts. Sometimes it seems that my personal happiness is based on how he treats me that particular night.

I'm glad my staff is so good. As aforementioned, my staff is about 95% African American (58/60). I think it's a healthy thing for me, as a white male, to get the experience (in a limited way) of what it feels like to be a minority. At the urban school I taught at this year, it was very diverse (almost a third each of white, black, and Latino), so it was a different experience than I'm in now. The staff is great. I wonder how the experience would be different if I wasn't in a position of power, though. Would it be more difficult? Probably. It's an experience that I can draw from for my teaching, I'm sure.

I'm tired from oversleeping, and don't want to go in to work tonight. I have the night off tomorrow, which is good. Wow, it's really not a good sign that I'm already excited about days off after only three days on the job though...