
"Independence" Day, posted at 5:00 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

My trip to the movies was a fruitless journey of incompetence. Apparently, my ATM card is not working for some reason. It says I have $216 in my checking account, which is correct, but is not letting me access it. Of course, since it's the 4th of July, my bank is not open. So there's nothing I can do about it right now. I didn't figure this out until I got to the movie theater, which is a good 15-minute drive away. Actually, it's more like 20 minutes with the crummy detours we have to take in this city with the expressway out. I was purturbed, to say the least. I was excited about seeing this movie. The movie theater was more crowded than I thought it would be, which was disconcerting as well. Luckily I didn't see anyone I knew as I sulked back to my after the second ATM I tried failed to work. On the way back, I saw an oil change place that was offering oil changes and a car wash for $16.95. My spirits immediately brightened. I really need to get my oil changed, and that's a great deal. I had my checkbook on me, so I was fine in the finances department. There was activity inside the garage, even though it was the 4th of July. They were open! I was in a good mood again! "Now this won't be a wasted trip!," I surmised. Oops, too soon. The movie was scheduled for 2:45, and it was now about 2:55 as I was making my way back to campus. The place closed at three. They weren't taking any more cars. Shit. Now, I'm cramped up in my room, not wanting to open the door or go to the cafeteria because I know I'll be pummelled with more questions I don't want to answer until I have to work in an hour. (I just went in the hall, and was hit by no less than four people with questions - and all I did was check my mail - a dumb thing to do on the 4th of July, I now realize.) So I'll just sit here, distractedly cleaning my room and broiling veggie hot dogs for dinner, while I wait for the hour to go by so I can go to work and again listlessly plod through another boring night of camps. Otherwise, Happy Independence Day!