
Survivor, posted at 2:44 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

I was entranced for three hours by "Survivor" last night. As I've said before, I never watched the first one, and hated being left out of conversations because of it. Thus, I decided to try out the second one - and I became immediately addicted. It started out better than it ended, but I'm still real excited about Survivor III.

Most striking for me was Debb's tearing up on national TV. It's so easy to forget that these are real people up there, and should be treated as such. I thought Debb was interested and was disappointed to see her go, but I also admit I've shared in the joking about her dating her stepson. I felt guilty last night. What a raw, emotional television moment.

Otherwise, I was glad that Tina won over Colby - call it the underdog in me. Tina looked a bit like Shelley Long or Joanna Kerns with all her makeup on, but that "doh-reet-ohs" accent shone through. Snarky Jeff, sensitive Mitchell, gorgeous Elisabeth, and hilarious Marilyn were all highlights. Still, the "sit and reflect, and then give back to the land" part was cheesy as hell, as was the helicopter trip into the studio.

I ate pizza and caesar salad soaked in dressing at lunch, and am feeling bloated and like a cow. Hopefully I'll make it running tonight. But all I can think about is a nap. I'm subbing for a computers class this Friday afternoon at 2:50pm, and the kids are remarkably calm for it being 7th hour. But their calmness is just making me want to sleep more.