
New CD's, posted at 4:00 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

After an unusual and crazy weekend, I'm back in the swing of things. I feel a great need to cleanse myself after my weekend, which was full of alcohol and junk food. I decided to give myself a really long workout this morning, from 5-6:45 or so. Too bad I woke up at 6:15. Not sure what happened there. I just pushed snooze and slept until 6:45. Some workout. I'm hoping to go tonight. On Friday, I decided to take advantage of the $20 gift certificate my staff got me as an end-of-the-year gift and went to Best Buy to buy the new Weezer CD. Weezer has long been one of my favorite bands, and have been waiting for their 3rd CD now for five years. I wanted to buy it Tuesday, when it came out, but didn't get a chance to until Friday. But I was glad I'd get a chance to listen to it on the way home. The only thing is, Best Buy was sold out of it. I hate shopping at Best Buy as it is (was only there because I had a gift certificate), so this pissed me off to no end. Apparently they got a shipment in on Tuesday, and it sold out in a couple of hours, and they got a new shipment in on Thursday, which sold out in one hour. Why can't they fucking plan for things? If 96 sell in an hour, and there are none anywhere else in town, then they should know to order more. Oh well. I was so angry that I almost punished Best Buy by spending a few minutes putting CD's in the wrong places on purpose, but I decided against it. Mr. Passive Agressive did not win this battle. Instead, I bought India Arie's CD, as well as a CD by the Josh Joplin Band (I had really enjoyed the song "Camera One" when I saw them on Letterman a while back, and it was a cheap $8.99). India Arie's CD is incredible. I've been listening to it non-stop. Great lyrics, a great sound, and a great voice. Josh Joplin is okay; "Camera One" is the CD's catchiest song (mostly because it steals a riff from Neil Diamond's "Coming to America"), but Joplin seems to have a good poetic ear for lyricizing. I did end up buying the Weezer CD on the way home; the Grand Rapids Meijer had it. It's solid, if a bit unspectacular. I'm still getting used to it, but there's a lot of sameness to it that I wasn't expecting after their wonderful album "Pinkerton". With Josh Joplin, India Arie, Melissa Ferrick, and Weezer, I've now bought four new CD's in the last three weeks or so. Not bad for someone who is incredibly broke. My priorities really aren't in the right place, I suppose. School went well today, except my 6th hour is killer.