
The day after..., posted at 17:32:26

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Last night was one of the most exciting, riveting, edge-of-my-seat, roller coaster nights of my life. So many ups, so many downs, and still no solid answer.

Today, my faith in the American people has been somewhat restored. Even though Bush was ahead in every poll before the election, it appears that Gore has gotten the popular vote by a few million. This is such a relief. Yes, I can't believe that a candidate as weak as Bush was even elected past the primaries, or that he presented a challenge to Gore period. And, yes, it looks like Bush is going to get the presidency. But at least more people voted for Gore than Bush. At least there is some self-respecting voters out there.

Right now, I hate the Green Party. I don't care what anyone says - they acted as a spoiler in this election. Big time. Gore is behind by just 1700 in Florida, and Nadar has over 2 million votes there. Are you trying to tell me that not at least 1700 of those 2 million Nadar nimrods would have voted for Gore if Nadar had asked folks to pledge support to Gore in key states?

Like I said, I respect Nadar voters - as long as you're not in a swing state. But if you voted for Nadar and you live in Michigan, Florida (!), Illinois, Tennesee, Oregon, or some others, then you have directly put an electric-chair wielding idiot in the White House.

But, damn, politics sure are fun. I'd love to be a U.S. History teacher today.