Saturday, Jan. 08, 2005

gifts, posted at 10:26 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

You know how some people put an wish list on the left-hand side of their links, and it's a way to sort of see that person's tastes? I've always liked reading them, so I put one up this redesign on my site. It was also a somewhat shameless device to allow readers to buy something if they want. But that was sort of tongue-in-cheek; I never actually expected it.

However, when I returned from a particularly long work week yesterday, I had an box waiting for me. Confused, I opened it, and a dear reader from Hawaii had sent me a couple books (Voice Lessons and Ischmaelfrom the wish list. I'm still trying to figure out who this person's Internet name is - but I have a name, a brief nice note, and a location, though, so thank you very, very much. That really cheered me up in a week that was very long.

On Thursday, I received a letter that disputed the letter that I had received in the summer about my certification. The summer letter said that my certification is good through July 2009. The letter this week said that, regrettably, my certificate expired in July of 2004. The staggering level of incompetence from this central office should no longer be surprising, but I begin to get hopeful and then something like this happens. I haven't heard back from the woman, and hopefully since I'm signed up for the classes she says I need it'll be okay, but I'm not holding my breath and I don't know if I have teh fight in me for another year of this bullshit. I've already begun googling new school ideas, as sad as it would be for me to leave. That being said, I'm doubtful I would find another school where I would have a student load of 160, nor another school (deleted because I'm smarter than that). Still, I probably also wouldn't find a school where the curriculum, direction and department are things I feel this passionate about.

Oh well. My goal today is to make my house walk-through-able. It's bordering on gross right now. Mostly messy, but partly gross.

Off to the gym first, though. I can't believe it's already 11.