Monday, Mar. 17, 2003

Don't worry, I'm wearing green, posted at 10:18 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Quick snoozy update:

1. Had a great mini-St. Patrick's Day lesson today surrounded around Sinead O'Connor's song "Famine". Once my students got over the whole "Bald white Irish girl rapping" thing, they got into it and we were able to do some neat critical reading skills with it.

2. A sweet substitute teacher gave me a prinout from a website on the history of St. Patrick's Day, and I figured, "What the hell?", I'll do it as my mini-enrichment lesson for Freshmen Seminar today. I had them use it as a listening notetaking exercise, and read it to them. It was very short. Anyhow, the funny thing is, it was from a website, and I really didn't read it over beforehand (bad teacher!). The last line was, "So how did the color green and leprechauns become associated with St. Patrick's Day? Click here to find out!". Well, I apparently was tired and read through that whole line. Maybe you had to be there, but it was very funny. My kids thought I did it on purpose, though.

3. Tomorrow is the Of Mice and Men mock trial. I've done it many times by now, and get better and better at it. The role I added this time is the C.S.I. Agent, who will explain the cause of death for both Lennie and Curley's Wife and diagram the death scenes. Should be cool.

4. Interviewed a teacher candidate. She is exactly like I would have been had I been required to go through the whole process. Embarassing. If I ever interview for another job, I'm going to hit a home run. There are just so many mediocre candidates out there. I could almost run a seminar now on how to interview for an English teacher position. It makes me want to go and be a speaker at my old college.

5. Went out tonight for St. Patrick's Day with new roommate. I'll refer to him as Smoky. Smoky tells me that apparently the other roommate gets high all the time. In fact, Smoky tells me that one of the first thing the other roommate asked him is if he "puffs." Of course, the thing that bugged me the most about that is the fact that he assumed just by looking at me or whatever that I didn't. Not that I do. But how did he know? What's up with that?

6. Drank 3 Guinnesses, against my better judgement. Am off to bed.