
Spring break planning, posted at 1:01 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Josh is gone!

He moved out last night, 9 weeks and one day after the he moved in. Now I can go back to remembering that he's a cool guy, and not necessarily a guy who lives rent-free and messily on your couch.

Not a whole lot is new, other than that glorious news. I gave a test today, so I've been able to catch up on grading while my kids diligently take it. I had about six in each class who did not get done and worked through their lunch periods. Wow.

I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with them tomorrow, though. Maybe we can spend all the ninety-minute class periods reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Unfortunately, I think that would be too boring even for me. So I'll probably end up breaking it up with something I find even more boring - identifying objective and nominative pronouns. The kids just aren't getting it, and I hate it. I don't hate the fact that they're not getting it, I just hate the subject. I don't like grammar, especially nitpicky grammar rules that don't make much sense. Who in the world says sentences like, "The only people in line were we"? No one. But that's correct. The kids have to learn not because it will help them advance in life or even writer better, but because they get tested on that stuff on standardized tests.

Anyhow, I don't think my visible hatred of the subject material helps my students learn it much. I gotta work on hiding that a bit better, I suppose.

I'm getting excited about spring break. We get out on Thursday, March 28. I'll probably go out with friends from work on Thursday night (rumor has it that karaoke is in store for that night... we've been waiting for a Thursday night we could out during for a while now), then drive back up to Michigan on Friday morning. I'll arrive in Detroit to stay with friends on Friday night, then hang out with friends in East Lansing on Saturday. I'm excited about seeing everyone!

I actually have thoughts right now about boarding Holden for the week. I don't really have the heart to see the look in his eyes if I leave him somewhere he's not familiar with, though. We shall see. (If the truth should be known, I'm also a bit leery of letting him in my new car.)