
Crazy Survey Thing, posted at 3:19 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Copying off of Goovie.

name three foods you regularly eat:

01. Morningstar Veggie Burgers

02. kiwi fruit

03. Soytzels

name three drinks you regularly drink:

01. water (100 oz/day)

02. Pepsi One

03. Diet Mountain Dew

name three ice cream/yogurt flavors you love:

01. Chunky Monkey

02. I don't really eat much ice cream.

name three things currently attached to your body:

01. blue nike headband (or is it called a sweat band? a headband sounds girly. it's not girly. it's very manly, like basketball players wear.)

02. t-shirt

03. shorts

name three random facts about your family:

01. My German grandmother and Polish grandfather met during the Holocaust and came to America in 1951.

02. My grandfather was in a concentration camp, and later one the 5-number Michigan lottery by playing his prison number.

03. My dad's a cop, my mom's a nurse, and my sister's a beautician.

name three colors you love:

01. royal blue

02. MSU green

03. sky blue

name three items in your bag:

01. baseball mitt

02. softball scorebook

03. softballs

name three bad habits you hate people doing:

01. not using a turn signal

02. napping out in the open so everyone feels like they've got to be quiet

03. talking during concerts

name three bad habits you possess:

01. overspending

02. not cleaning up after myself

03. staying up too late

name three things you enjoy:

01. baseball

02. kids

03. live music


1. What do you most like about your body? I still get the most compliments about the eyes, so I'll stick with this. Although some random guy told me the other day that he wished he had my calves. Think he was hitting on me?

2. And least? I'm still too fat to see my abs.

3. How many fillings do you have? Gosh, at least four.

4. Do you think you're good looking? I think I'm pretty ordinary looking, although there are times at the gym when, in the mirror, I actually like what I see. Before, I couldn't say that.

5. Who would you look like if you could look like anyone besides yourself? Taye Diggs. Heh.

6. Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking? Hmmmm. My Internet girlfriend, Yelnad, did. Mostly, though, when people tell me that, I assume there's an implied "...compared to how you used to look." I'm still developing this whole self-confidence thing...

7. Do you look like any celebrities? Tobey Maguire, from both my students and now Spiraling/Barani.

-- Fashion --

1. Do you wear a watch? It broke when I was breaking up a dog/cat fight.

2. How many coats and jackets do you own? Probably three.

3. Favorite pants/skirt color? Khaki.

4. Most expensive item of clothing? I've probably got a couple of $30 sweaters. I'm pretty cheap when it comes to clothes, and don't own a suit.

5. What kind of shoes do you wear? Reebok. I need new ones, though, especially if I'm going to be running this marathon in October.

6. Describe your style in one word: casual.