Thursday, Dec. 05, 2002

Snow Day, posted at 11:18 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Snow Day! Snow Day!

I woke up today at 4:55am and immediately turned on the news, deciding not to caffeinate myself until I had heard if we were going in. Baltimore City Schools had not yet been cancelled, although it sounded like most of the other counties in the area had been. I resigned myself to another instance of being on the short stick of things because I'm in a city school and the roads are more easily plowed, and sat down at my computer to check my e-mail and started at my bowl of Banana Nut Crunch.

Then, I heard it. Hark! This just in: Baltimore City Schools were cancelled.

I went out to move my car, and not a soul was stirring. I was struck, like a matchstick, by the beauty and calmness of the street, by the almost eerie serenity of Walther Avenue. I just stood there at the foot of my sidewalk, turned a full 360 degrees around soaking in the scene like a greedy sponge.

I had missed this stuff.

I went back to bed until 10am, and now plan on going Christmas shopping. I'm sure it will be very pleasant out at White Marsh, with all the Baltimoreans scared too drive and my Michigan roots being able to shine through as an adept snow driver. I also need to head to the gym to pick up my cell phone. My roommate, a native Marylander, looked at me like I was crazy when I said I was heading out. Meanwhile, he's watching Barney.

The Monument Lighting Ceremony has been postponed until tomorrow night. I guess I'm okay with this, but I was looking forward to it a lot.

Life is beautiful.