Sunday, Feb. 23, 2003

The Pianist, posted at 7:06 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

I've done very little with the rest of my time this weekend. Yesterday, I spent the entire day watching Six Feet Under episodes, getting more and more excited about the season premiere a week from today. I saw an ad for it in the latest issue Entertainment Weekly - this terrific photo of the entire cast, with none looking at the camera - and almost whooped in excitement. I now have season one all watched, but don't know what happens season 2. I've read some Internet summaries, but that's just not the same. I think I'll be able to catch on starting on Sunday, though.

I'm also pretty pumped about the Grammies tonight. I'm about to get into my TV watching mode, with my laptop on my lap for recording the grades to the essays that I'll grade during computer breaks. Shoes off, in an A-shirt and boxers, cat curled up on my shins, watching. I think the Grammies got it right this year with the nominees, and actually am not sure who I'm rooting for. With the big award - Best Album - it probably should be Eminem, but I have some misgivings because of the amount of filler tracks on the album, and because his best song actually came off the 8 Miles soundtrack. All the other four have strong albums, too. I'm excited about the performances most of all.

Teri and I just went to see The Pianist. It was a good movie, though it dragged in parts and I've seen better movies about the Holocaust. Adrien Brody was very good, and Roman Polanski staged his shots nicely. I certainly didn't have the visceral reaction to it that I had with either The Hours or Adaptation, both of which sent my mind and soul spinning. But it probably deserves its Best Picture nomination. We'll see where it ends up on my top ten list.

And that's about it. I'm excited about getting back to school tomorrow, though I certainly would have hoped to have gotten more done during the week off. All my essays are (almost) graded, though, and I've got plans completed in my head for one of my two preps for tomorrow. We were supposed to go on a field trip tomorrow, but I have a feeling it's been cancelled. We shall see.

BTW, I'm loving the guestbook entries lately.