
Concert goes well, posted at 11:19 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

A few updates:

The concert in my living room last night went very well, I must say. My freaking out was all for naught. About 21 people came, and I think everyone had a great time. Lori Amey played a couple of 45-minute sets, and made herself a lot of new fans. She didn't do any of her fun covers that I was used to her doing, but she had some great new songs. She was also hilarious. My roommate Rob played a few songs in between the sets. It was just a fabulous time.

I feel so good when I'm doing this music thing. So alive. I'm glad I decided to get back into the booking of singers, and the small monthly concerts are the perfect way for me to be in the "scene" without burning myself out.

Today has been a completely wasted day, however. I spent the first half of it basically hungover, and the second half of it sitting around doing nothing. Not even grading papers. Renee came over to listen to the Tigers game, as it was Ernie Harwell Day, and that was the extent of my social activity today. No trip to the gym. No nothing. Not even a hugasoul appearance on IM, as I was hoping to tell her all about the show last night. It was a very slow day. Plus, the TV was moved to a different room, and there was no one to help me move it back, so I missed the premiere of The Sopranos. I think they rerun them, though. I really want to get into that show now that I have HBO.

Hopefully I can get next week off to a good start, though. It's my first five-day week of the school year, and the four-day weeks have tuckered me out good so far.

Anyhow, here are some pics from last night, including the first ever diaryland appearance of Tobey, who demonstrated that he's the world's foremost feline music critic last night.

Below: Lori and Gloria make sweet music.

Below: Rob rocks the house, while Holden mauls a visitor in the background.

Below: The crowd, with Tobey enjoying the show right in the middle of it. I swear, he's the friendliest cat in the world. At one point, though, the percussionist starting playing just a little too loud for him, and he scampered off. But he came back later, sitting on strangers' laps for the rest of the evening.