
The Teachers are In... Sane!, posted at 6:33 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Yesterday went well. My new supervisor looks and even acts a little like Joan Cusack. I already like her.


For our introductions to each other (10 of our 17 department members are new, which means I'm sort of a veteran), we were supposed to say what we read this summer. I shared that I had made my goal of eight books this summer. It got a round of applause. Then it got a good laugh when I said that three of them were re-reads and two of them were books on tape. Although I would argue that they all count! :)


I'm loving the rainy and cool weather here lately. Seriously. It's so great to sleep when it's cool out, when you have to curl up in blankets and spoon with the dog to get warm enough to sleep. I even turned on my fan to make myself even cooler.


Recent google hits: "pooping at school" (this one happens a lot. Why does someone search for that?), "how to tell your parents you're switching from briefs to boxer briefs" (Oh my. I don't even know what to say about this. What sort of relationship do you have with your parents that this is an issue? And why do you even need to tell your parents? And why did this lead this person to my diary?), "fucking Baltimore" (hmmm... I actually like the city), and tons for "Renee Estevez" (there is apparently not nearly enough info about her on the web if my "who in the hell is she?" type of entry is getting as many hits as it is. Someone get on making her a website, stat.)


I am pissed, concerned, and horribly upset by the impending baseball strike. Last night, I might have listened to my last Ernie Harwell broadcast ever. If so, it will be very sad.


My alarm clock went off at 4:54am today and I didn't get up until 6:12am. Nope, my sleep schedule is still not adjusted. It's another morning missing the gym, although I'm planning on doing a workout here this morning.