
It's over (and grammy stuff), posted at 12:20 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Okay, the lesson felt like it went okay, and when she left, she told me "very nice."

Phew! I'm glad that's over.

I feel drained, but content. Life is good.

Since Hugasoul posted her thoughts on the Grammies, I'll do the same: (Actually I would have done it anyway, but it makes me feel better that I'm not the only one... :) )

What I liked:

Hmmmm... not a whole heck of a lot. I like Jon Stewart's joke about Afgahnistan and Creed. I liked that Alicia Keys won for best song. I liked Nelly (my students are apparently rubbing off me, since I not only recognized, but I liked, his song). I liked the Foggy Bottom Boys' performance. I was amazed at the old guy singing the song about death, a capela.

I didn't like the overall show. I thought John Stewart - a comic I generally really like - was especially weak (only Ellen DeGeneres, Chris Rock, and Steve Martin should be allowed to host things from now on). I thought the performances were bland - collaborations that didn't make sense (N*Sync and Nelly? They didn't mash at all, and it brought out the worst of both) and too-precious and fancy renditions of songs that were perfect enough that they didn't merit change (Alicia Keys' "Fallin"). I went to bed after Mary J. Blige's performance, without having seen my beloved india.arie perform. Oh well. They probably paired her up with someone like Willie Nelson.

This guy is an awesome writer:

"I�ve been remembering a bunch of my dreams lately, and they have lead me to the conclusion that I really would like to have a girlfriend. Not that I am in a good position for one, I don�t imagine there are many people looking for out of work self conscious introverts who may be moving soon. But who knows, in spite of all that, I am, for some reason that is honestly beyond me, optimistic. I am, at the moment, confident that I will end up all right, that fifteen years from now I�ll be in a good place. There are no trends in that direction, truly all tendencies are pointing the other way, but for some reason, and maybe it is only cognitive dissonance, or maybe it is only because I don�t want my readers worrying about me, I am pretty sure that I�m going to be all right."

Is that incredible or what?