
First day of new semester, posted at 12:40 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

The first day of the new semester, with all new kids, is going swimmingly. My nine-page syllabus (for freshmen English... ha!) is taking nearly the entire period to go over, but the kids have been very well-behaved. I'm going to jump into that window this time. You know, the small window of time that you have to jump through at the beginning of a semester or else you'll lose the kids. Well, I think the jump will be accomplished this semester.

I'm very tired, though. I've had a hard time sleeping lately, and think I'm coming down with something. I had to go to the bathroom eight times last night, which I assume can't be a good sign. I'm not sure what it means. Yeah, I had a lot of water before I went to bed, but usually I only have to go two or three times a night. I even hear that that's excessive, but my nurse of a mother wasn't concerned when I told her about it.

Yesterday, I went across town during my lunch break and dropped off the title to my vehicle at the American Asthma Association, in order to donate it. I got the bad news there that because the title still has the bank as the primary owner, that they cannot take it without the proper paperwork. Which of course I don't have. I'm now going to have to pay $50 or so to get my car towed back to my house area, where it'll have to stay for a bit. The transmission place is (understandably) getting concerned that it hasn't been taken away yet. They actually called the school today. Anyhow, I've got to get it towed, and I'm pissed off about it. Whoever thought it would so freaking hard to give away your car? I want to just abandon it somewhere, but suppose I should put the extra effort in and donate it to a worthy charity.

Jeremy had a date with that girl last night. Only it wasn't a date, to him, but a "drag." As in, I just dragged here there to the wrestling meet. He's a goofball. Godo for him, though.

The Sunday Superbowl party will be fun. I can't wait. I've given out about 30 invitiations, and hope most of the people I invited will come.