
Finals time, posted at 7:47 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Today is the first day of finals. Students are only here until 12:50 today and tomorrow, and they take two finals each day. We are to stick around until 3:15 dismissal to do grading, so it's not a half day for me, but it will be nice and quiet to not have the kids here. Friday is make-up day, so that is a complete day of peace and quiet. Hopefully the finals (which I haven't seen yet) will be easy to grade, adn the rest of the week will be short and relatively stress-free.

I'm so glad. Ever since we came back from the holidays, it seems, my brain has been fried. I've been overly stressed, extremely frazzled, frusrated with myself and my students, and tired. Hopefully a new semester starting on Wednesday, I'll have a fresh start and feel better about things.

Some teachers this semester handed out a feedback form for their students, with questions like "How did I do?" and "What did you like or dislike about my class?". I'm just not ready to open myself to that sort of feedback yet, though. I know my big problems. I need to correct them before I can move on to the piddly stuff.

Today, I overslept considerably, getting up at 6:45 and leaving at 7:30. That's a full hour later than normal, and eliminated any chance for a morning workout. I have been doing very well with the evening workouts, though, not skipping a night for as long as I can remember. The workouts aren't always long, but they're generally pretty good - I've increased the amount I can bench press considerably just this month. Last night, I worked out after a typically enthralling episode of 24 (this show is so terrific - I don't ever remember a more suspenseful show ever on television) and a dippy episode of The Real World (after the first episode, I thought I'd love to hate a number of the characters, and just love a couple of the others. But now I just hate Walla-Walla girl, but she's not fun to hate because she's just so darn dumb. I have a feeling that this one will never be as entertaining as New Orleans or San Francisco).

Well, it's off to proctor finals. Wish me luck.