
Before & After Pics (or... against my better judgment), posted at 10:51 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

I promised this before.

Below:August 17, 2000. Weight app. 300lbs

Below: August 14, 2002. Weight app. 195lbs (notice that I still lied on my driver's license about it though. :)

I'm not sure if this is a smart thing to do, nor if I'll leave them up. But I figured, what the hell? And the other entry tonight was a tad depressing...

Still got 20lbs to go. I'm getting a lot of e-mails lately asking for weight loss tips, and I'm working on an entry detailing it, and I'll probably make it a little link there to the left. Just so you know I'm not simply ignoring y'all. (Not that I'm very good at responding to e-mails or guestbook entries in the first place... although all are appreciated.)

Update: So this is my school ID picture, taken today (9/6/02). I think it turned out nicely, and that sort of inspired me to do the personal ad thing, with this said pic. Wish me luck.