
Back to school, posted at 8:04 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

I have forgotten just how exhausting teaching is. I am home now, and nearly redy for bed despite the fact that the clock hasn't struck 8:30pm yet.

I can't wait to get to sleep and rest up for tomorrow. I need it.

The day went okay, though. Kids seem nice and all. I've got two full classes of 28 and 29, respectively, but also have a class of 17, and that's nice.

I bored myself today. Go over the handbook. Check. Give out books. Check. Go over the fire procedures. Check. Go over my syllabus. Check. Repeat three times. Check.

No wonder kids tried to put their heads down.

"Excuse me, but I need all heads up and eyes focused on me right now. If you're not feeling well, I can write you a pass to the nurse."

Bang! What a bastard I am. I've got to to relish these freshmen's timidness for at least a little bit, before my naturally laid-back, loose, "cool teacher" persona comes out.

To top it all off, the power went off at 10am, and it lasted for 2 and a half hours. Actually, it was deemed "reduced power," but none of the lights worked so it made the sleepy students even more sleepy.

I tried to make going over the syllabus exciting, I really did. I just couldn't.

Tomorrow should be better, as we go over their "4 Truths, 2 Lies" homework assignment and try to guess who wrote what. I'm actually excited. We're starting on our first essay tomorrow. I've got to whip through this first unit in three weeks, and want to do three essays in that time.

I've got my work cut out for me. And I've got to sleep. Very, very soon.