Thursday, May. 26, 2005

Pretty good, posted at 3:50 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Tonight I'll be heading to Ram's Head Live for the first time, as Todd Snider is performing. It's the first time I've seen him with a band after five or six times of seeing him solo. Opening up for him will be Stephen Kellogg, another favorite of mine. I'm excited and have had this date on my calendar for a long time.

This weekend, I'll be attending all three Tigers games. The Tigers are playing terribly right now, but the O's are in a bit of a freefall too, so hopefully the Tigers can get out of it before the O's. Their piss-poor performance against that asshole Paul Quantrill and the hated Yankees (especially since Tony Clark doesn't play for them anymore) might make them mad enough to play well against the O's. We'll see. For this weekend only, I'll be rooting against the hometown team.

Today I just discovered the Belvedere Market. Pricey, but really cool. There's a place I can go to if I forget lunch that's better than an overpriced deli sandwich from Eddie's.

In other good news, I found out today that my mom's hepatitis is officially in remission. She is ecstatic and it means no more injections, nausea, and fevers unless it comes back, of which there's only a 20% chance.

Things are pretty good.