Saturday, Apr. 16, 2005

Draining, posted at 12:16 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

I'm feeling better now. I eschewed two calls from friends and an invite from the roommate to go get a beer in favor of wallowing in the big loss as well as the Detroit Tigers' very similar loss tonight. I wasn't really much for company; the loss tonight was a real downer, a heartbreaker. I think I did make two major mistakes. I sent a slow kid into home on a single to center with one out, and he was cut down at the plate. I also think I was tentative about it, and he sensed the tentativenss, and might have slowed up because of it. It was one of those bloopers that just made it over the head of the shortstop, and as soon as the shortstop fumbled it, I sent him. He wasn't happy about being sent, and I certainly regretted it once he was thrown out, and heard about it later. The other one I don't think anyone noticed; I called my middle infielders on the edge of the grass to cut the lead runner off at home in the last inning. Doing this increases the chances the ball will scoot through the infield, and decreases the chances for an out. But I really wanted to cut down that lead run, even though it was 6-4 us at that point. Sure enough, a hit scooted right past the shortstop. Only one run scored, but the other one came in soon enough on a wild pitch. I also should have been a bit quicker on the hook with my last pitcher.

Anyhow, yeah, I'm taking this one pretty badly. But it's only a game, and things will be better in the morning. However, I wouldn't have been any good wallowing in a bar tonight. I was better off wallowing with my cereal in front of my computer tonight. Here, I watched the entire depressing Tigers game, then I did weird stuff like watch movie trailers and look up what Winona Ryder is doing lately. Apparently, she is making a movie with the director of Heathers about a slacker actress who takes pot brownies and has her world turned upside down. I like Winona Ryder doing comedy. I used to have the biggest crush on her.

Do you know what I didn't do? My taxes. Isn't that ridiculous? I'm not sure how I let that get away from me. I think I'm getting a refund because of my student loans, so I hope this isn't a big deal. I had once thought I owed money, but I think I did them wrong then.

Today, my boss caught me not turning in my grades, which were due yesterday. He saw them as he came to cover my classroom and asked if I was almost done. They were due yesterday. I lied and said I was. You should see how much grading I have. It is easily a foot high - all in my car. I have tomorrow off and hope to make a triumphant return to the gym, then maybe some lawnmower shopping, and then on to grading.

In other news, my eyes are alright. I finally got in to see an optician today. First off, a plug: if City Paper gave a "Best Optician" award, the guys at Toner-Parsons Opticians should win. The doctor I see has got to be the best doctor I've ever visited. He explains things, uses diagrams. I mean, my eye surgeon is a brilliant man who I trust, but his bedside manner is a little curt, and I learned more about my surgeries from this optician guy than the surgeon. Today, the optician at Toner-Parsons on Harford Road had me diagnosed in about five minutes, explained things for another five, then loaded me up with tons of free samples and send me away fifteen minutes later without billing me. And my eyes are fine: I just need new contacts because these have protein deposits all over them and my eyes are reacting badly to them.

I'm tired. It was a draining day.