Monday, Mar. 14, 2005

Eight, posted at 6:59 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

I'm much preferring the real world to the online world right now, and haven't felt much like writing lately.

1. Baseball is good, although cold as hell.

2. I'm beginning to regret keeping such a huge team, and am having fantasies of what it would have been like to keep 18 players instead of 27.

3. I got hateful e-mail via this journal for the first time in a while.

4. Good weekend this weekend with an old friend from Michigan.

5. So, so tired and so, so much laundry to do tonight.

6. I cannot grade papers and coach at the same time. My max is coaching and planning. Forget grading.

7. Uncertain about attendance at Crablogs Happy Hour. I feel a bit out of step with the world of blogdom, only reading a few of them and not all that into mine even. Plus there's the whole 14-hour day thing. Hence the numeric entry.

8. Workouts have been amazing lately. I feel very, very healthy, both mentally and physically. Woke up at 4:55 today, made it to the gym just before it opened, and had a great 90-miute workout. There's no better way to start the day. Well, except shift that all ahead by four hours, but that's impossible, so do what we can do.