Sunday, Feb. 20, 2005

Hotel Rwanda, posted at 10:15 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Great day today, enjoying the long weekend. My workout was incredible, then I met a couple of colleagues to see Hotel Rwanda.

The film was one of those movies where you're breathless through the whole thing. I was on the edge of my seat, often on the verge of tears. Very powerful stuff. I have no idea why this movie wasn't nominated for the Oscar that the overrated Million Dollar Baby was. It was as good as Schindler's List.

After dinner at Red Brick Station, we then jetted over to Rose's place to see which character on The Simpsons was gay. Patti, not too surprising, but at least it was a funny episode, something that had bee lacking from that show lately.

I'm now home, and am about to clean up house concert food before it starts smelling. Two days after the fact is better than usual.

For the love of God, please no more snow this year. Already I'm going to be buying bags of kitty litter to fix up the field.