Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2005

I hope she breaks up with you tomorrow, posted at 12:02 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Here were my tips tonight:

$15 on $75

$25 on $175

$25 on $175

$25 on $175

$15 on $157 (asshole!)

$3 on $11

$37 on 203

$35 on 175

After tipout, my takehome was much less than expected - just over $100.

I don't know what it is. Every single one of my tables tipped below what I would consider a decent tip, with the except of that $35 on $175 one (and that one's on the edge). It's impossible to gauge tipping success as how well you're doing your job. Some people just are shitty and cheap (a colleague got totally stiffed tonight; one table left $0), and others just have never been taught the rules (the myth that 15% is acceptable is still rampant). Still, a part of me knows in my hard of hearts that I'm tired of waiting tables at this place, a restaurant that's low-volume and fairly pricey. I've been thinking lately of what I'm going to do about that job - quit when baseball season starts (March 1), or continue on for one day during the weekends. Now, I'm leaning towards the latter, as it's tough to turn down $100 a week, sometimes more. And I love the family atmosphere of the place, the co-workers who are like siblings, the owner who is like a cool aunt. But there's a reason I left home. I wonder if my low tips tonight, and lately, have been a reflection of my overall attitude towards working there. The attitude is certainly better than it was two months ago, but still maybe not that great.

I don't know. Maybe they were all just cheap bastards tonight. Maybe Valentine's Day brings out the folks who just don't know how to eat out acceptably.


I'm going to try to make it to the gym tomorrow morning, like I did this morning. It made my day go incredibly well. Teaching Mockingbird is my favorite time of year. The kids are really into it, too. Today, the only thing I needed to do was say, "So, you guys had to read chapters 6-8 last night, eh?" and the whole class was a sea of raised hands and jitters. Seriously. This book is a fun teach, and it helps that it has officially found its place onto the top of my "Favorite Books of All Time" list, in a three way tie with The Cather in the Rye and The Color Purple.