Sunday, Dec. 19, 2004

Freaked out, posted at 5:31 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Isn't it funny how an entry you wrote three or four years ago that accidentally mentioned the last name of your newborn second cousin, which happens to be the same last name as yours, can cause you to be "found out"? Back in the days when I was not anonymous, I wrote the name of this person - who I have never met yet - and last night, someone doing a search for "(My [very uncommon] last name) blog" found my journal on the third page of google hits. I'm more than a little freaked out by it, and am not sure what exactly I will do.

If it's you, how bout giving a guy some peace of mind and e-mailing me?

On a related note, if this journal suddenly goes off-line soon, you'll know why.


In other news, I headed with colleagues to see a colleague perform in a Panto production of Cinderella at the Fells Point Corner Theater today. It was a lot of fun - a hilarious adult production of the fairy tale. The wicked stepmother (and the stepsisters) were all played in drag, and the stepmother looked and sounded just like Divine, the drag queen from the John Waters movies. Her big climactic moment is singing "There's always someone waiting in the wings," in which she says she can always find a man who will take her. For this, she goes out into the audience and sings it to a guy sitting on the end of a row. Well, the guy was me, grabbing me by my tie and asking me the size of my pocket book. She was so close to me that she was nearly giving me a lap dance. I was laughing so hard that I could hardly breathe. It was hilarious. They called me a good sport afterwards.